Staff Site - Instructions and tips for Palms Middle School teachers and staff

Questions & Answers
School Loop 1
Questions & Answers
School Loop 2
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School Loop has two versions: School Loop 1 and School Loop 2. They look the same to website visitors, but they are very different when you edit a web page. With School Loop 1, you see pencils above each editable section. With School Loop 2, there are no pencils and you have to hover over a section and click in it to edit that section.

As of 2019, the main website uses School Loop 2. Teachers can continue to use School Loop 1, or click the "upgrade" message to switch to School Loop 2.

If you are using School Loop 1, click the questions below for answers and instructions. If you are using School Loop 2, click the other tab.

If you have hardware or software problems in your classroom, click Ask for Help and fill out the Support Form.
Please submit a separate form for each separate problem.
School Loop 1

Questions and Answers


  1. What is School Loop?
  2. Who can use School Loop and the website?
  3. Can I use my School Loop account from home?
  4. What should I put on my website?
  5. How often should I update my website?
  6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a website?
  7. Who manages the main website?
  8. Who manages the teacher websites?
  9. Who are the system administrators?

Your School Loop Account

  1. How do I log into School Loop?
  2. How do I log out of School Loop?
  3. What if I forget my Login Name or password?
  4. What is my portal page?
  5. How do I change my School Loop email address?
  6. How do I change my School Loop password?
  7. What should I do routinely?


  1. What is the Staff Site?
  2. What if I need help?
  3. How do I undo an editing mistake?
  4. What if my web page doesn't appear on my portal page or my web page won't load correctly?
  5. I got a School Loop error message. What should I do?

Website visitors

  1. How do people find my website?
  2. How do students use my website?
  3. How do parents use my website?
  4. Can strangers see my website?

Messages and email

  1. Can parents and students email me?
  2. How do parents and students send me messages?
  3. How do I reply to messages?
  4. Should I put my email address on my web page?
  5. Should I use my LAUSD email or my personal email?
  6. What if I don't get my messages?

Editing a web page, previewing and publishing

  1. What are the basic steps to editing my web page?
  2. Do people see my web page change as I edit the page?
  3. What does it mean to publish my web page?
  4. How do I preview my web page before I publish it?

Designing a web page

  1. How do I design my web page?
  2. What is the standard layout?
  3. How do I name my web pages?
  4. How do I set my name to Ms. versus Mrs.?
  5. How do I set the column layout?

Page elements

  1. What are page elements?
  2. What are the icons on the editing page?
  3. What are the buttons on the editing page?
  4. What types of page elements are there?
  5. How do I add a page element?
  6. How do I delete a page element?
  7. How do I rearrange page elements?

Web pages

  1. What's the difference between a web page and a website?
  2. How do I add a new web page?
  3. How do I delete a web page?
  4. How do I change the order of web pages?
  5. How do I add a web page folder?
  6. How do I delete a web page folder?
  7. How do I arrange pages in folders?
  8. How do I "undelete" a web page?

Editing text

  1. How do I edit the text on one of my web pages?
  2. What are all those toolbar icons?
  3. How do I make numbered or bulleted lists?
  4. How do I use colored text or a colored background?
  5. Can I paste text from a Microsoft Word document?
  6. What if the text doesn't fit on my web page?


  1. How do I edit the "Links" list? (summary)
  2. What is a hypertext link?
  3. How do I make a link to a web page?
  4. How do I make a link download a file?
  5. How do I make a link to another teacher's web page?
  6. How do I make a link to an email address?


  1. How do I put a table on my web page?
  2. How do I delete a table?
  3. How do I insert and delete rows and columns?
  4. How do I control the way a table looks?
  5. What table features can I set?

Lockers and uploading

  1. What are lockers?
  2. How do I upload my syllabus or other handout?
  3. How do I upload a document?
  4. Should I put a locker or rich text on my web page?
  5. How do I use my locker?
  6. Should I upload photos, clipart, and other images to my locker?
  7. Can I reorganize my locker?
  8. How do I rename a file in my locker?
  9. How do I delete a file from my locker?

Files and downloading

  1. How do I edit the "Downloads" list? (summary)
  2. What's the difference between a document and a file?
  3. How do I put files on my website?
  4. How do students and parents download my files?
  5. Can I put software downloads on my website?
  6. Can I put very large files on my website?
  7. Can I scan documents to put on my website?

PDF files

  1. What are PDF files?
  2. Should I put Microsoft Word files or PDF files on my web site?
  3. How can I create a PDF file on a Windows PC?
  4. How can I create a PDF file on a Mac?
  5. How can I create a PDF file from a printed document?
  6. How do I use a PDF-creation service?

Photos, clipart, images

  1. What are the three ways to put pictures on my web pages?
  2. What image formats can I use?
  3. What are albums?
  4. What size should an image be?
  5. How do I resize an image before uploading it?
  6. How do I upload a picture to an album?
  7. How do I put a picture on my web page?
    1. Picture alone (recommended method)
    2. Picture alone (quicker method)
    3. Picture with text above or below
    4. Picture next to text
  8. How do I get permission to put a student's name or photo on my web page?
  9. Where can I get school-related clipart?


  1. What are the two types of slideshows?
  2. How do I set up a slideshow?
  3. How do I edit the old type of slideshow?


  1. What videos can I put on my web pages?
  2. How to I add a video to my web page?


  1. Where are the school calendars?
  2. Where and how can I display calendars?
  3. What are calendar events?
  4. How do I add a calendar event?
  5. How do I edit a calendar event?
  6. How do I delete a calendar event?
  7. How do I put events on the main school calendar?
  8. How do I use multiple calendars?


  1. Should I use rich text, news, notes, or a blog?
  2. When should I post news?
  3. How do I control the display of news?
  4. How do I add a news item?
  5. How do I edit a news item?
  6. How do I delete a news item?
  7. Why did a news item disappear?
  8. Can I post news to the main school home page?


  1. What are assignments?
  2. Why can't I add an assignment?
  3. How do I add a new assignment?
  4. How do I copy an assignment?
  5. How do I edit an assignment?
  6. How do I delete an assignment?

What other questions would you like to see answered here? Let the website manager know.

Easy Grade Pro

Easy Grade Pro

  1. What is Easy Grade Pro?
  2. What versions of Easy Grade Pro are there?
  3. How do I set up for emailing grades to parents or students?
  4. Once I'm set up, how do I email grades to parents or students?

Setup for Grade Uploading

(Steps to do once to get your computer ready. Gio Tolson or Mr. Rubin can help you do these one-time steps.)

  1. What four steps are required before I can upload grades?
  2. How do I set grades passwords for students?
  3. How do I get a grades web page and a password?
  4. How do I set up a file-transfer program on a Windows PC?
  5. How do I set up a file-transfer program on a Mac?
  6. How do I put a Grades link on my teacher page?

Posting Grades

(Steps to do each time you want to update your posted grades. You need to do these steps yourself.)

  1. How does grade-posting work?
  2. Where are the grades posted?
  3. How do I update my grades web page on a Windows PC?
  4. How do I update my grades web page on a Mac?
  5. How do students and parents check grades?

See a mistake on this website? Have a suggestion? Please let the website manager know.

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