Question: What image formats can I use?


Image files are files for photos, clipart, screenshots, graphs, charts, or other graphics. They can have file extensions jpeg, jpg, png, or gif.

jpeg and jpg are the same format. They are most commonly used for photos.

png format is often used for clipart or screenshots.

gif format is often used for clipart.

Image formatGood for photos?Supports transparent backgrounds?Supports animation?
jpeg or jpgYesNoNo

Some png and gif files have transparent backgrounds. They look better than solid backgrounds when the background of the page isn't solid white. School Loop uses a gradient background in the left-hand column below the menu, so png or gif images with transparent backgrounds will look better there than jpeg and jpg images.

Animated gifs are pictures that change, such as this clipart cartoon. They can make a web page more fun, but they can also be distracting. Use them with discretion.

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