Question: What types of page elements are there?


You see the list of page element types when you click a plus-sign icon while editing a web page.

Page elementDescription
Rich Text Editor A block of text, which can use features like a word processor, including plain text styled text, headings, numbered list, bullet lists, tables, and embedded images, links, and videos. This is the most common page element.
Directory A list of teacher or other staff member names, with envelope icons that site visitors can click to send you that person a message.
Slideshow A set of pictures (usually photos) that change from one to the next automatically.
Picture A single photo, clipart image, graphic, or other picture type.
Insert Flash An embedded video in Flash format. For advanced users only.
Calendar A view of one day, week, or month from your personal calendar
News A list of one or more news items
Notes/Blog We recommend that you not use this element. Use a News element instead. The only difference is that Notes aren't allowed to have expiration dates, and the data is not retained between school years, i.e., it is deleted from your website over the summer. There are no advantages to Notes elements over News elements.
Current Assignments A list of assigned classwork or homework.

Note: Staff members other than teachers (assistant principals, counselors, etc.) will not see the Current Assignment option.
Locker A list of files you have uploaded. We recommend against using this. If you use individual hypertext links instead you can control the seletion, titles, and order of the items you make available for download. When you put a locker element of your web page School Loop lists all of the files you've uploaded right on your page, without giving you control over which are included or how they look.

Palms Home Page           Teachers Page           Staff Site